Tutorials and Technical Briefings

Half-day Morning Tutorials: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Half-day Afternoon Tutorials: 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Full-day Tutorials: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

Half-Day Tutorials

T1: The Art and Science of Analyzing Software Data. June 2 (Monday Morning)
Tim Menzies, Christian Bird, Thomas Zimmermann, Leandro L. Minku, and Burak Turhan
West Virginia University, United States; Microsoft, USA; Microsoft, USA; University of Birmingham, United Kingdom; University of Oulu, Finland.

T3: Efficiently Mining Source Code with Boa. June 2 (Monday Morning)
Robert Dyer, Haam Nguyen, Hridesh Rajan, and Tien Nguyen
Iowa State University, United States.

T5: Best Practices and Pitfalls for Statistical Analysis of SE Data. June 2 (Monday Morning)
Audris Mockus, Meiyappan Nagappan, and Ahmed E. Hassan
Avaya Labs, United States; Queens University, Canada; Queens University, Canada.

T4: Software Fault-Tolerance for NextGen Systems: Milieu of models and methods. June 2 (Monday Afternoon)
Santonu Sarkar and Rajeshwari Ganesan
Infosys Labs, India

T6: Presentation techniques: structure, story and support of a scientific talk. June 2 (Monday Afternoon)
Felienne Hermans
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.

T8: Essence – A Foundation for Software Development Games. June 3 (Tuesday Morning)
Shihong Huang, Ivar Jacobson, Panwei Ng, Mira Kajko-Mattsson, and Arne Berre.
Florida Atlantic University, United States; Ivar Jacobson International; Ivar Jacobson International; KTH Royal Institute of Technology; SINTEF/University of Oslo, Norway.

T9: Software Design Quality in Practice. June 3 (Tuesday Morning)
Ganesh Samarthyam, Tushar Sharma, and Girish Suryanaraya
Siemans Corporate Research & Technologies, India.

T10: Case Study Research Methodology for Software Engineering: Observational Case Studies and Technical Action Research. June 3 (Tuesday Morning)
Roel Wieringa
University of Twente, Netherlands.

T11: Software Engineering for Mobile Development: Challenges, Tools, and Techniques. June 3 (Tuesday Afternoon)
Yael Dubinsky and Aharon Abadi
IBM Research, Israel.

T12: Social Network Analysis for Software Engineering. June 3 (Tuesday Afternoon)
Ramsuri Narayanam, Seema Nagar, and Amit A. Nanavati
IBM Research, India.

T13: Meta Models and Meta Execution Models. June 3 (Tuesday Afternoon)
P. Radha Krishna and Kamal Karlapalem
Infosys Labs, India; IIIT Hyderabad, India.

T14: Understanding Active Learning - MOOCs, SPOCs & Blended Learning. June 3 (Tuesday)
Adam A. Porter
University of Maryland, United States.

T15: Reinvigorating Software Engineering Education with SaaS, Cloud Computing, MOOCs, and SPOCs. June 3 (Tuesday Afternoon) - FREE FOR INDIAN FACULTY
Armando Fox
University of California, Berkeley, United States

Full Day Tutorials

T7: How Software Engineering Research can benefit from Ethnographic Methods. June 1 (Sunday)
Yvonne Dittrich, Cleidson de Souza, and Helen Sharp
IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Vale Institute of Technology, Brazil; The Open University, United Kingdom

T2: Fundamentals of Dependable Computing For Software Engineers. June 2 (Monday)
John Knight
University of Virginia, United States.

Technical Briefings (Duration: 90 minutes per Briefing)

TB1: Theory and Practice of Software Requirement Patterns. June 3 (Tuesday)
Xavier Franch
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain.

TB2: Modeling and Verification of Multi-agent Systems. June 3 (Tuesday)
Neha Rungta and Franco Raimondi
NASA Ames Research Center, United States; Middlesex University, United Kingdom

TB3: Goal Modeling Requirements Engineering in the i* Framework. June 3 (Tuesday)
Xavier Franch
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain.