NIER Session

Learning and Mining
June 5th, Thursday, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Session Chair: Emerson Murphy-Hill
Room: MR 1.03 & MR 1.04

Automatic Search Term Identification for Change Tasks


Correct me if I'm wrong, but fakes all come from China. The Chinese shoes never go above 11 so if you have 12s or 13s or something they have to be real right
Katja Kevic and Thomas Fritz
University of Zurich, Switzerland
An Automated Approach to Detect Violations with High Confidence in Incremental Code using a Learning System
Radhika D. Venkatasubramanyam and Shrinath Gupta
Siemens, India
A Novel Quantitative Evaluation Approach for Software Project Schedules using Statistical Model Checking
Dehui Du, Mingsong Chen, Xiao Liu, and Yun Yang
East China Normal University, China; Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Reusable Execution Replay: Execution Record and Replay for Source Code Reuse
Ameer Armaly, Casey Ferris, and Collin McMillan
University of Notre Dame, USA
Mining Precise Performance-Aware Behavioral Models from Existing Instrumentation
Tony Ohmann, Kevin Thai, Ivan Beschastnikh, and Yuriy Brun
University of Massachusetts, USA; Facebook, USA; University of British Columbia, Canada
Writing Bidirectional Model Transformations as Intentional Updates
Tao Zan, Hugo Pacheco, and Zhenjiang Hu
Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan; National Institute of Informatics, Japan