Automatic Search Term Identification for Change Tasks
At the beginning of a change task, software developers search the source code to locate the places relevant to the task. As previous research and a small exploratory study that we conducted show, developers perform poorly in identifying good search terms and therefore waste a lot of time querying and exploring irrelevant code. To support developers in this step, we present an approach to automatically identify good search terms. Based on existing work and an analysis of change tasks, we derived heuristics, determined their relevancy and used the results to develop our approach. For a preliminary evaluation, we conducted a study with ten developers working on open source change tasks. Our approach was able to identify good search terms for all tasks and outperformed the searches of the participants, illustrating the potential of our approach. In addition, since the used heuristics are solely based on textual features of change tasks, our approach is easy and generally applicable and can leverage much of the existing work on feature location.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but fakes all come from China. The Chinese shoes never go above 11 so if you have 12s or 13s or something they have to be real right
Katja Kevic and Thomas Fritz |
University of Zurich, Switzerland |
An Automated Approach to Detect Violations with High Confidence in Incremental Code using a Learning System
Static analysis (SA) tools are often used to analyze a software system to identify violation of good programming practices (such as not validating arguments to public methods, use of magic numbers etc.) and potential defects (such as misused APIs, race conditions, deadlocks etc.). Most widely used SA tools perform shallow data flow analysis with the results containing considerable number of False Positives (FPs) and False Negatives (FNs). Moreover it is difficult to run these tools only on newly added or modified piece of code. In order to determine which violations are new we need to perform tedious process of post processing the SA tool results. The proposed system takes into consideration the above mentioned issues of SA and provides a lightweight approach to detection of coding violations statically and proactively, with high degree of confidence using a learning system. It also identifies the violations with a quality perspective using the predefined mapping of violations to quality attributes. We successfully implemented a prototype of the system and studied its use across some of the projects in Siemens, Corporate Technology, Development Center, Asia Australia (CT DC AA). Experimental results showed significant reduction in time required in result analysis and also in FPs and FNs reported.
Radhika D. Venkatasubramanyam and Shrinath Gupta |
Siemens, India |
A Novel Quantitative Evaluation Approach for Software Project Schedules using Statistical Model Checking
Project schedules are essential for successfully carrying out software projects. To support manager’s decision making, many project scheduling algorithms have been developed in recent years for generating candidate project schedules. However, these project schedules may not be able to be used directly because the uncertainty and complexity of real-world software development environments which have been overlooked or simplified in the project scheduling algorithms. Therefore, significant human efforts are still required to evaluate and compare these project schedules. To address such a problem, we propose a quantitative analysis approach based on statistical model checking technique which serves as a novel evaluation method for project schedules. By using the UPPAAL-SMC, we can systematically evaluate the performance of a project schedule and answer complex questions which are vital for manager’s decision making but cannot be efficiently addressed by any existing tools. The preliminary results show that our approach can efficiently filter out unsatisfactory candidates by answering simple “yes or no” questions first and then help effectively compare the rest by answering complicated user specified questions. Therefore, the human efforts in planning project schedules can be significantly reduced.
Dehui Du, Mingsong Chen, Xiao Liu, and Yun Yang |
East China Normal University, China; Swinburne University of Technology, Australia |
Reusable Execution Replay: Execution Record and Replay for Source Code Reuse
A key problem during source code reuse is that, to reuse even a small section of code from a program, a programmer must include a huge amount of dependency source code from elsewhere in the same program. These dependencies are no- toriously large and complex, and many can only be known at runtime. In this paper, we propose execution record/replay as a solution to this problem. We describe a novel reuse technique that allows programmers to reuse functions from a C or C++ program, by recording the execution of the program and selectively modifying how its functions are re- played. We have implemented our technique and evaluated it in a preliminary study in which two programmers used our tool to complete four tasks over four hours.
Ameer Armaly, Casey Ferris, and Collin McMillan |
University of Notre Dame, USA |
Mining Precise Performance-Aware Behavioral Models from Existing Instrumentation
Software bugs often arise from differences between what developers envision their system does and what that system actually does. When faced with such conceptual inconsistencies, debugging can be very difficult. Inferring and presenting developers with accurate behavioral models of the system implementation can help developers reconcile their view of the system with reality and improve system quality. We present Perfume, a model-inference algorithm that improves on the state of the art by using performance information to differentiate otherwise similar-appearing executions and to remove false positives from the inferred models. Perfume uses a system's runtime execution logs to infer a concise, precise, and predictive finite state machine model that describes both observed executions and executions that have not been observed but that the system can likely generate. Perfume guides the model inference process by mining temporal performance-constrained properties from the logs, ensuring precision of the model's predictions. We describe the model inference process and demonstrate how it improves precision over the state of the art.
Tony Ohmann, Kevin Thai, Ivan Beschastnikh, and Yuriy Brun |
University of Massachusetts, USA; Facebook, USA; University of British Columbia, Canada |
Writing Bidirectional Model Transformations as Intentional Updates
Model synchronization plays an important role in model- driven software development. Bidirectional model transformation approaches provide techniques for developers to specify the bidirectional relationship between source and target models, while keeping related models synchronized for free. Since models of interest are usually not in a one-to-one correspondence, this synchronization process is inherently ambiguous. Nevertheless, existing bidirectional model trans- formation tools focus mainly on enforcing consistency and provide developers only limited control over how models are synchronized, solving the latent ambiguity via default strategies whose behavior is unclear to developers. In this paper, we propose a novel approach in which developers write update programs that succinctly describe how a target model can be used to update a source model, such that the bidirectional behavior is fully determined. The new approach mitigates the unpredictability of existing solutions, by enabling a finer and more transparent control of what a bidirectional transformation does, and suggests a research direction for building more robust bidirectional model transformation tools.
Tao Zan, Hugo Pacheco, and Zhenjiang Hu |
Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan; National Institute of Informatics, Japan |