10:30 - 11:30 |
PANEL SESSION: Industrial Panel
Saurabh Sinha, Sanjoy Paul |
11:30 - 12:00 |
Characterization of Operational Failures from a Business Data Processing SaaS Platform
This paper characterizes operational failures of a production Custom Package Good Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. Events log collected over 283 days of in-field operation are used to characterize platform failures. The characterization is performed by estimating (i) common failure types of the platform, (ii) key factors impacting platform failures, (iii) failure rate, (iv) how user workload (files submitted for processing) impacts on the failure rate. The major findings are: (i) 34.1% of failures are caused by unexpected values in customers’ data, (ii) nearly 33% of the failures are because of timeout, and (iii) the failure rate increases if the workload intensity (transactions/second) increases, while there is no statistical evidence of being influenced by the workload volume (size of users’ data). Finally, the paper presents the lessons learned and how the findings and the implemented analysis tool allow platform developers to improve platform code, system settings and customer management.
Catello Di Martino, Geetika Goel, Santonu Sarkar, Rajeshwari Ganesan, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk and Ravishankar Iyer |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Extrinsic Influence Factors in Software Reliability: A Study of 200,000 Windows Machines
Reliability of software depends not only on intrinsic factors such as its code properties, but also on extrinsic factors—--that is, the properties of the environment it operates in. In an empirical study of more than 200,000 Windows users, we found that the reliability of individual applications is related to whether and which other applications are installed: While games and file-sharing applications tend to decrease the reliability of other applications, security applications tend to increase it. Furthermore, application reliability is related to the usage profiles of these applications; generally, the more an application is used, the more likely it is to have negative impact on reliability of others. As a consequence, software testers must be careful to investigate and control these factors.
Christian Bird, Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath, Thomas Zimmermann, Nachiappan Nagappan and Andreas Zeller |