2:00 - 2:30 |
How Do API Documentation and Static Typing Affect API Usability?
When developers use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), they often rely on documentation to assist their tasks. In previous studies, we reported evidence indicating that static type systems acted as a form of implicit documentation, benefiting developer productivity. Such implicit documentation is easier to maintain, given it is enforced by the compiler, but previous experiments tested users without any explicit documentation. In this paper, we report on a controlled experiment and an exploratory study comparing the impact of using documentation and a static or dynamic type system on a development task. Results of our study both confirm previous findings and show that the benefits of static typing are strengthened with explicit documentation, but that this was not as strongly felt with dynamically typed languages.
Stefan Endrikat, Stefan Hanenberg, Romain Robbes, and Andreas Stefik |
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; University of Chile, Chile; University of Las Vegas, USA |
2:30 - 3:00 |
Live API Documentation
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provide powerful abstraction mechanisms that enable complex functionality to be used by client programs. However, this abstraction does not come for free: understanding how to use an API can be difficult. While API documentation can help, it is often insufficient on its own. Online sites like Stack Overflow and Github Gists have grown to fill the gap between traditional API documentation and more example-based resources. Unfortunately, these two important classes of documentation are independent. In this paper we describe an iterative, deductive method of linking source code examples to API documentation. We also present an implementation of this method, called Baker, that is highly precise (0.97) and supports both Java and JavaScript. Baker can be used to enhance traditional API documentation with up-to-date source code examples; it can also be used to incorporate links to the API documentation into the code snippets that use the API.
Siddharth Subramanian, Laura Inozemtseva, and Reid Holmes |
University of Waterloo, Canada |
3:00 - 3:30 |
CodeHint: Dynamic and Interactive Synthesis of Code Snippets
There are many tools that help programmers find code fragments, but most are inexpressive and rely on static information. We present a new technique for synthesizing code that is dynamic (giving accurate results and allowing programmers to reason about concrete executions), easy-to-use (supporting a wide range of correctness specifications), and interactive (allowing users to refine the candidate code snippets). Our implementation, which we call CodeHint, generates and evaluates code at runtime and hence can synthesize real-world Java code that involves I/O, reflection, native calls, and other advanced language features. We have evaluated CodeHint in two user studies and show that its algorithms are efficient and that it improves programmer productivity by more than a factor of two.
“Prof. R. Narasimhan Lecture” |
Joel Galenson, Philip Reames, Rastislav Bodik, Bjoern Hartmann, and Koushik Sen |
University of California at Berkeley, USA |
3:30 - 4:00 |
Spotting Working Code Examples
Working code examples are useful resources for pragmatic reuse in software development. A working code example provides a solution to a specific programming problem. Earlier studies have shown that existing code search engines are not successful in finding working code examples. They fail in ranking high quality code examples at the top of the result set. To address this shortcoming, a variety of pattern-based solutions are proposed in the literature. However, these solutions cannot be integrated seamlessly in Internet-scale source code engines due to their high time complexity or query language restrictions. In this paper, we propose an approach for spotting working code examples which can be adopted by Internet-scale source code search engines. The time complexity of our approach is as low as the complexity of existing code search engines on the Internet and considerably lower than the pattern-based approaches supporting free-form queries. We study the performance of our approach using a representative corpus of 25,000 open source Java projects. Our findings support the feasibility of our approach for Internet-scale code search. We also found that our approach outperforms Ohloh Code search engine, previously known as Koders, in spotting working code examples.
Iman Keivanloo, Juergen Rilling, and Ying Zou |
Queen's University, Canada; Concordia University, Canada |