Doctoral Symposium Posters

June 4th, Wednesday, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Room: G. 04 - G. 06

COASTmed: Software Architectures for Delivering Customizable, Policy-Based Differential Web Services
Alegria Baquero
(University of California at Irvine, USA)

Formal Verification Problems in a Big Data World: Towards a Mighty Synergy
Matteo Camilli
(University of Milan, Italy)

Cross-Platform Testing and Maintenance of Web and Mobile Applications
Shauvik Roy Choudhary
(Georgia Tech, USA)

ReuseSEEM: An Approach to Support the Definition, Modeling, and Analysis of Software Ecosystems
Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
(COPPE, Brazil; Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Summarization of Complex Software Artifacts
Laura Moreno
(Wayne State University, USA)

Nirikshan: Process Mining Software Repositories to Identify Inefficiencies, Imperfections, and Enhance Existing Process Capabilities
Monika Gupta
(IIIT Delhi, India)

Verifying Incomplete and Evolving Specifications
Claudio Menghi
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Quantitative Properties of Software Systems: Specification, Verification, and Synthesis
Srđan Krstić
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Automatic Generation of Cost-Effective Test Oracles
Alberto Goffi
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)

Preprint Available

Dynamic Data-Flow Testing
Mattia Vivanti
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)

Holistic Recommender Systems for Software Engineering
Luca Ponzanelli
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)

On the Use of Visualization for Supporting Software Reuse
Marcelo Schots
(COPPE, Brazil; Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Understanding the Redundancy of Software Systems
Andrea Mattavelli
(University of Lugano, Switzerland)

Preprint Available

Study of Task Processes for Improving Programmer Productivity
Damodaram Kamma
(IIIT Delhi, India)

Improving Enterprise Software Maintenance Efficiency through Mining Software Repositories in an Industry Context
Senthil Mani
(IIIT Delhi, India)

Supporting Evolution and Maintenance of Android Apps
Mario Linares-Vásquez
(College of William and Mary, USA)

Preprint Available