Software Engineering In Practice (SEIP) Track
The Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) track is the privileged ICSE track for researchers and practitioners to discuss innovations and solutions to concrete software engineering problems. SEIP provides a unique forum for exchanging new ideas, fostering long-term innovations, networking and forging long-term collaborations for addressing the most interesting and realistic software engineering research directions. Following a long-term tradition, SEIP will gather highly-qualified industrial and research participants that are eager to communicate and share common interests in software engineering. The technical program of the track will be composed of invited speeches, panel discussions, tutorials and industry-strength paper presentations with high take-away value for the software engineering practitioners.
Submissions that adhere to the submission and formatting instructions can be made using the EasyChair link provided here:
We are seeking original submissions (not published or under review elsewhere), written exclusively in English, including the title of the submission, the name and affiliation of each author, an up to 150-words abstract, and up to 8 keywords. We will accept two types of submissions:
- Experience report and case studies papers:Each paper should provide clear take-away value by describing the context of a problem of practical importance; discussing why the solution of the problem is innovative, effective, or efficient; providing a concise explanation of the approach, techniques, and methodologies employed; and explaining the best practices that emerged, tools developed, and/or software processes involved. Furthermore, papers should describe broader applicability; overall assessment of benefits, risks and mitigations, and other lessons learned. Experience reports and case studies may be up to ten pages in length and will appear in the ICSE Companion proceedings.
- Panel proposals: We solicit panel proposals on topics that are likely to be relevant and of interest to industrial attendees. Each proposal should describe the topic to be discussed, argue why the topic is timely and of interest, and identify an initial panel membership with associated bios of identified panelists. Each accepted panel will be allowed two pages in the ICSE Companion proceedings.
All submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the Software Engineering in Practice Program Committee. Submissions must not have been previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of practicality to industry, originality, significance of contribution, applicability, quality of presentation, and discussion to related work.
Important Dates
Mentoring Submissions Due: |
10 August 2013 |
Submissions Due: |
23 October 2013 |
Notification of Acceptance: |
17 February 2014 |
Camera Ready Copy: |
14 March 2014 |
Gautam Shroff Tata Consultancy Services, India
Arnaud Gotlieb Simula Research Laboratory, Norway and INRIA, France
Program Committee
Gordon Fraser (University of Sheffield)
Zhenyu Chen (Nanjing University, China)
Volker Gruhn (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Raghavan Komondoor (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
Sreedhar Reddy (Tata Consultancy Services)
Aditya Nori (Microsoft Research - India)
Laurence Duchien (INRIA - University of Lille)
Jan Bosch (Chalmers University of Technology)
Mathieu Acher (Université de Rennes 1/ INRIA)
Venkatesh R (Tata Consultancy Services)
Ipek Ozkaya (Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute)
Brian Robinson (ABB Inc., US Corporate Research)
Ravindra Naik (Tata Research Development and Design Centre)
Marcelo D'Amorim (Informatics Center, UFPE)
Rob Hierons (Brunel University)
Roberto Bagnara (University of Parma and BUGSENG, Italy)
Thenalapadi S. Mohan (Infosys Technologies)
John Penix (Google, USA)
Franz Wotawa (Technische Universitaet Graz)
June Andronick (NICTA and UNSW)
Valerie Issarny (INRIA)
Sugata Ghosal (IBM Research - India)
Sagar Sen (SIMULA Research Laboratory)
Ewen Denney (SGT/NASA Ames)
Florent Kirchner (CEA LIST)
Padmanabhuni Srinivas (Infosys Technologies)
Davide Falessi (Fraunhofer CESE, USA)
Giles Perrouin (PReCISE, University of Namur)
Bran Selic (Malina Software Corp.)
Sudipto Ghosh (Colorado State University)
Emilia Mendes (Blekinge Institute of Technology)
René Just (University of Washington)
Morten Mossige (University of Stavanger and ABB Robotics)
Yang Ye (Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Roger Kilian-Kehr (SAP)
Formatting and submission instructions
Please review the submission and formatting instructions carefully. Submissions that do not comply with the instructions and size limits will be rejected without review.